Buying Off-Plan Apartments in Jerusalem
Blog Series
We are delighted to share our new blog series, Buying Off-Plan Apartments in Jerusalem, which will be published every Thursday over the next 4-6 weeks. This series will expand on the process of purchasing new build and TAMA38 projects in Israel.
We will examine the pros and cons as well as any other details you need to know, and guide you towards an informed decision.
Purchasing off-plan is not for everyone, but it is a fantastic opportunity for a lot of people with an understanding of the process and the assistance of the right team of experts.
Many Advantages
Customization - One great advantage to buying in the early stages of development of these projects is you will have the opportunity to customize your unit to meet your needs, either by changing the floor plans, combining 2 units, or by choosing from a selection of finishes and designs like tiles, countertops, hardware, etcetera.
Payment Terms and Pre-Sale Prices - Buying off-plan means that you can set up a payment plan to pay over the length of the build (between 1-3 years), and that you get access to great pre-sale prices, which are only available in the beginning stages of development.
Factors to Take Into Consideration
Timing - if you need to move by a certain date, buying off-plan might not be the best option for you. Occupation dates are approximate and are not guaranteed with these projects, as various factors might arise throughout construction that can delay the process.
Process - The process is manageable with the right team, but can be very complicated and stressful to navigate alone. This means that you need to have the finances and network lined up in order to do your due diligence and navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.
What to Expect From This Series
Over the course of this series, we will discuss payment terms, building index, taxes, contracts, due diligence,upgrades, and more to provide some insight into the process of purchasing off-plan apartments.
Stay tuned for Part 1 of this series, coming next Thursday!