Mekor Haim Neighborhood Guide

Mekor Haim

Mekor Haim is a beautiful neighbourhood comprised of just a few quiet streets and is popular with the French community.

It is extremely well located in terms of access to shops, entertainment and transport – in the latter case, Mekor Haim is set to be served by two lines of the proposed light rail system (Blue and Green Lines) which is likely to enhance the long term values of the properties in this area.

The properties in Mekor Haim are generally of a higher standard than the bordering neighbourhoods of Talpiot and Katamonim. 

Between Mekor Haim and Katamonim lies the southern part of the Park HaMesila aka the old train tracks - this hosts both a running track and a bicycle path, and has various facilities such as playgrounds, exercise equipment and drinking fountains dotted along its length.

A park - “Park Gonnenim” has been built close to the bottom end of Mekor Haim which has a large playground, a special ‘moto-cross’ style bike track and a public amphitheatre space.


The land that Mekor Haim is built on was purchased back in 1913, by a Polish philanthropist, Haim Cohen, for whom the neighbourhood is named, though construction only began a few years after that of Rechavia.

Initially it was a small collection of around 20 farmsteads (Jerusalem not being built up to the extent that it is now back then!) but now it’s a prime location, particularly in demand with the French community.

Mekor Haim Real Estate

Mekor Haim has a real mix of properties. There are plots consisting of old houses with large gardens that back onto the Park HaMesila, old apartment blocks and new constructions, such as the Quadra development which boasts a pool and a gym for its residents.

Plots with houses are relatively rare, with most properties on the street being apartment blocks of various sizes.

There are opportunities for development here, so if you have a larger project in mind, or if you have a group of friends looking to build something together, then this could be the street for you.

If you are interested in finding out more about property in this area, please be in touch with [email protected] (+972-53-822-4336) who will be more than happy to help you further.


While not served directly, Mekor Haim is well positioned for access to public transportation, being a close walk to Pierre Koenig, Emek Refaim and Ben Zakai, roads that have many bus routes that pass along them. In the future, the neighbourhood is due to be served by both the Blue and Green routes of the Light Rail Network, though this will not be for many years yet.


There aren’t many makolet type shops that serve Mekor Haim (other than at the gas station at the top of the street), but that’s offset by it’s proximity to several large supermarkets; Supersol (Pierre Koenig), Osher Ad (Kenyon Hadar) and Rami Levi (multiple branches in Talpiot).

Food shopping aside, the renovated Kenyon Hadar Mall provides a great place for clothes shopping and nearby Talpiot is known as the place to go for all your household and furniture needs.

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