A List of the Main Schools in
Jerusalem’s Anglo Neighborhoods
There are many factors to consider when choosing which Jerusalem neighborhood you want to live in, such as the local amenities, transportation, and size or type of apartment, just to name a few.
If you have children or are planning to within the coming years, you’ll also want to take schools into consideration. Jerusalem offers many different kinds of schools to its residents, and it is worthwhile to do your research on each school of interest to fully understand what sets it apart from the rest, and if it aligns with your standards.
Please find a list below of the main schools located in Jerusalem’s Anglo neighborhoods to help ease your search. Don’t forget to take our quiz to discover which of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods is right for your family!
• Beit Yaakov HaAri - A Hareidi elementary school for girls on HaPalmach.
• Chorev School - A religious elementary school (separate classes for boys and girls) on Kovshei Katamon.
• Hartman Girls School - A religious high school for girls on Rachel Imeinu.
• Henrietta Szold School - A pluralistic elementary school on HaGdud HaIvri.
• Nissan Nativ Acting Studio - Although generally for post school, Nissan Nativ has a preparation program for 15-18 year olds.
• Tali School - A 'Beit Chinuch' on Kaf Tet B'November.
• Keshet School - A joint educational framework for both religious and secular students from kindergarten through 12th grade.
• Jerusalem American International School - A private international school offering a stimulating US standard - based program for preschool through 8th grade on Shai Agnon.
• Kedma School - A secular public high school that seeks to provide low-income, academically at-risk students with high-quality education. On Bar Yochai.
• Adam School - An Olim-friendly school for grades 1-12 on Kaf Tet B'November.
• Gershon Agron School - A secular elementary school with 500-700 students in grades 1-6.
• Ilanot School - School for children with physical disabilities ages 3-18.
• Efrata School- A progressive religious public elementary school
• Pelech School - A high school for religious girls; ranked as one of the top ten schools in Israel.
• Sudbury Democratic School - A democratic school that gives children ages 6-18 freedom to decide what they want to study and to learn at their own pace.
The German Colony
• Shalom Hartman Institute - Hartman boys is a religious junior high school for boys on Klein.
• The Lifta School - A scholastically-oriented school with an emphasis on the arts, serving youths who have difficulty integrating into standard city schools due to learning or social issues. Located on Rachel Imeinu.
• Yehuda HaLevi School - A public religious elementary school on HaTzfirah, popular with Olim Chadashim.
Talpiyot/ Arnona
• The Masorti High School - A co-educational, public high school affiliated with the Masorti (Conservative) Movement.
• Tidhar School - A public religious elementary school for children with severe learning disabilities.
• Nitzanim School - A special education school for children ages 6-16.
• Alonim School - A middle and high school for students with complex learning disabilities.
• Mekor Chaim School - A mixed elementary school with separate classes for boys and girls and an emphasis on secular and religious studies.
• Evelina de Rothschild School - A religious public elementary and high school for girls.
• Gymnasia - One of the city's most historic and highly regarded secular schools.
• Ben Gurion School - the only secular public elementary school serving the Rehavia and Nachlaot neighborhoods.