The Top 3 Mistakes Our Clients Make
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 The Top 3 Mistakes We See Our Clients Making
When Buying a Home in Jerusalem

Over our agents’ combined experience of 30+ years in the industry, we have noticed some patterns in our clients’ approach to the property search process that have made their experiences less than enjoyable. Read the top 3 mistakes we see our clients making when buying a home in Jerusalem to avoid these problems and ensure your process will be smooth and productive!

1. Taking Too Much Friendly Advice

We often see clients who strongly believe that an apartment should be a certain price based on what their friends and family have purchased in the past. Chances are that some things have changed since they bought an apartment in Jerusalem 5+ years ago.

While your family and friends might still be able to give you excellent advice about the process or connect you with good contacts they have, price points are constantly changing, and they likely bought their home at a much different price than what the market offers today.

These clients tend to become quite frustrated with the price points and get hung up on what they need versus want in their home. Some good ways to avoid this issue are by having an honest chat with your broker about your finances, maintaining a realistic budget, and broadening your search parameters.

2. Looking at Too Many Properties

Clients who don’t have enough of an idea of what they’re looking for and want to see all of the options that exist to them tend to burn out quite quickly. It can be exhausting to run around the city and receive information about loads of properties, most of which aren’t appropriate for their needs.

Clients who do this usually become quite overwhelmed and feel discouraged by the process, and as a result, we’ve seen them either jump the gun and buy an apartment just for the sake of getting it over with, or press pause on the process with little desire to move forward anymore.

A great way to circumvent this problem is by asking yourself the right questions and making a list of your non-negotiables before even hiring a broker, in order to save precious time and energy during the searching process.

3. Using the Wrong Team

Assembling the right team for your purchase process will completely make or break your experience.

We have seen time and time again how the wrong member(s) of a team can put a negative spin on a clients’ experience with their bad advice or hostile ego. Professionals who are pushy, demanding, or unwilling to listen to others’ opinions make the process very difficult for all involved.

It is absolutely crucial to select highly qualified professionals who are able to work with one another to serve your best interests and get you the most out of the negotiation. The best way to find the right team is through recommendations of your real estate broker, friends, family, neighbors, or researching online, making sure there are great reviews available.

Ready to find the home of your dreams in Jerusalem? Contact us today or check out all available Jerusalem real estate right now

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